: l'actualité du marketing mobile

WMExperts Podcast Episode 67


Holy cow, that's a lot of news tucked into an hourlong podcast. Windows Mobile 6.5. Upcoming phone releases. New phones announced. Free copies of Kinoma Play given away. Join Malatesta and Phil (and Charles from Kinoma) as they sift through it all.


Top o' the news

Touch Pro 2 news

Other hardware news

Software news

Microsoft news

Other news

Summer Giveaway

Charles from Kinoma joined us to announce the winners of the two copies of Kinoma Play. You gotta listen to know if you won!


Thanks to Michael from the voicemail! Drop us a line. E-mail Call us at (866) 904-5882 ext. 222. Hit us up on Twitter - @wmexperts, Deiter, Phil, Malatesta, George, Tim.


Thanks to the WMExperts Store for sponsoring the podcast. Thanks also to these great artists for the music and to for offering a great database of Creative Commons music!

Source :

Lundi 7 Septembre 2009

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