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Mattel’s $300 Alexa speaker reads bedtime stories to your robot-loving kids

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mattel aristotle

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Amazon must be feel extremely flattered the past few months. Amazon's Echo speaker and Alexa virtual assistant are getting plenty of clones, from Google to Lenovo, and now even Mattel — yep, the toy company — is launching a voice-activated speaker of its own, and this one is made specifically for kids.

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, date: January 3, 2017 at 05:35PM, nom: Boy Genius Report, rien: sharetwit, site:, tag: Mobile2.0,Top blogs - high-tech, titre: Mattel’s $300 Alexa speaker reads bedtime stories to your robot-loving kids

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Mardi 3 Janvier 2017

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