Forums member elycruz0102 is known for cranking out some gorgeous themes for the Bold, 8900 and Storm. Well today I stumbled across his HTC 8330 Series theme for OS 4.5, and I must say it will definitely be staying on my Curve for a while. I have been using a default theme for months now since I haven't really found another to keep me happy. I really dig the look of this as far as colors, layout and design. The icons are crisp and clear, and the look is super clean. I know many of you hate "look-a-like" themes, but in my opinion a great theme is a great theme. It is obvious that a ton of time and effort went into the layout and design on this one. It has a great sliding icon highlight on the home screen, and it is totally customizable. My only gripe is that the focus icon is a bit hard to see at times, making it difficult to tell which icon is highlighted. This one is definitely worth checking out. It is avaiable at ShopCrackBerry.com at a special price of $1.99 (down from $2.99) through July 4th.
CrackBerry.com's feed sponsored by ShopCrackBerry.com. HTC 8300 Series Edition Theme From EThemes
Source : http://crackberry.com/htc-8300-series-edition-them...