: l'actualité du marketing mobile

Go Get Android 1.5 Cupcake Yourself

Can't wait for Google to release the Cupcake Update? Yeah, us neither. Luckily, we have some pretty genius minds out there in the developer community and one of them (haykuro) has gotten the HTC Magic build of Android (aka Cupcake) ported to work with the T-Mobile G1.

Looking at it briefly it certainly seems like a lot of work to get Cupcake working but definitely do-able. We say if you want to see what Cupcake and Android 1.5 is all about, go for it! You should start here. Just make sure you stick with the 'H' build because the 'G' build is currently banned from Android Market.

Anybody running Cupcake want to tell us how sweet it is?

[haykuro via bgr]

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Tags : android, google
Vendredi 17 Avril 2009

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