: l'actualité du marketing mobile

Future Versions of Android Called Donut, Eclair & Flan

You've probably heard of Android 2.0 Donut. But did you know that future versions of Android will be named Eclair and Flan? It looks like Google is pretty serious in codenaming Android alphabetically after dessert type snacks. Originally, we thought following Android 1.5 Cupcake with Android 2.0 Donut was hilarious and clever, but seriously, Flan!?

As interesting as those name choices are, it doesn't really matter to us because with new versions of Android means new features. At a joint media event hosted by Google and T-Mobile, Andy Rubin the founder of Android, stated that a lot of emphasis on Android's future will be placed in social networking. He says:

“Social is a big push for now,” he said, saying eventually an inbound phone call could show the caller’s photo, name and the last update he or she posted to Facebook, for example. Another focus is expanding the ways software developers who build applications for Android phones can charge for them through the Android market, its storefront.

Sounds good to us, especially since in today's day and age, social networking is a pretty good horse to bet on. At the same event, Rubin reiterated his expectation that 15-20 new Android phones will be launched this year. Lofty goals, to be sure, but the man is paid to know these things. We remain ever so hopeful.

What would you guys like included in Android Donut, Eclair, & Flan?


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Tags : android, google
Lundi 13 Juillet 2009

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