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Top 5 Must-Have Jailbreak Apps: Post iPhone 3.0 Edition

Today TiPb brings you round four of the Top 5 Must-Have Jailbreak Apps series, this one focused on what still makes Jailbreak compelling in a post-iPhone 3.0 world. Now, all of the Jailbreak experts out there will (or should!) know about all these apps already. The purpose of this article is to give our readers [...]

Today TiPb brings you round four of the Top 5 Must-Have Jailbreak Apps series, this one focused on what still makes Jailbreak compelling in a post-iPhone 3.0 world.

Now, all of the Jailbreak experts out there will (or should!) know about all these apps already. The purpose of this article is to give our readers who may not be familiar with the jailbreak community just a little taste of what is out there. So, if you’re still debating whether or not to jailbreak your iPhone, after reading this we are guessing that you will make up your mind one way or another…

All of the following applications can be downloaded via Cydia on your Jailbroken iPhone.

Read on after the jump!

GV Mobile

Is it really a shock that the first application in this article happens to be the latest and greatest app to be removed from the App Store by Apple? Right after the app’s removal, developer Sean Kovacs tossed it directly into the hands of the jailbreak community. With GV Mobile and a Google Voice phone number you can do the following:

Dial numbers via the iPhone address book or typing on the keypad Full SMS support (view historic, reply, send new) Retrieve and delete recent call history Playback and delete voicemails Take calls from different phones other than your iPhone Enable or disable the phones that Google Voice forwards calls to Add or delete phones that Google Voice forwards call to


Backgrounder allows you to multitask App Store apps on your iPhone in the background. Yes, you heard me correctly, you can now listen to Pandora while you are in your favorite App Store app! This is your perfect opportunity to show Palm Pre owners how it’s done.

Just press and hold the home key while running any application. After a few seconds, the “Backgrounding Enabled” pop-up appears. Release the home button, Backgrounder automatically returns you to SpringBoard. After that feel free to open any of application you see fit. To quit the background application, re-launch it from SpringBoard, then press and hold Home until the Backgrounding Disabled pop-up appears. It’s as simple as that.


Do you find yourself on one of the million iPhone App Store Twitter clients most of the day? If you answered yes to that question you may just find this app worth a good look. qTweeter is status update application that lets you tweet messages and update your Facebook status. You launch qTweeter by sliding your finger down from the status area and can start tweeting right away. Then you simply press the update button to update your Facebook status, send your Tweet, or both.

Some features of qTweeter are as follows:

Update Facebook and Twitter at once Update your status on top of any app TwitPic support TwitVid support Shortened URL Music Tweets, YouTube Tweets, Safari Tweets Long Tweet and TweetShrink support Fast shortcut to your other Twitter app


For those of you who really want to apply a different look to your iPhone user interface, Winterboard. is the app for you. Using Winterboard you can apply complete skins to your device or just specific parts of it. Some of the things you can customize include app icons, wallpaper, statusbar, dock, etc… You can spend hours tweaking your UI ways that will make you wonder why Apple didn’t think of this.

SBSettings 3.0.2

The last app for today, SBSettings, addresses a common complaint that we hear a lot about the iPhone. Do you want a way to turn Wi-Fi on and off without going through all the settings? SBSettings can help you out. How about adjusting your screen brightness? How about the ability to toggle Bluetooth on and off with a single button on your home screen? Edge and 3G? I’m sure you get where I am going with this.


The jailbreak community seems to have a bright future with the way Apple has been keeping the App Store on lockdown lately. Whether you decide to jailbreak your iPhone - please remember TiPb and any and all staff and writers take no responsibility for any mishaps, mistakes, wrong doings, etc, that may occur during the jailbreak process.

For more on Jailbreaking and Jailbreak apps, see the TiPb forums!

This is a story by the iPhone Blog. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store.

Top 5 Must-Have Jailbreak Apps: Post iPhone 3.0 Edition

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Tags : apple iphone
Vendredi 31 Juillet 2009

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