Premium Dark Room Theme for Bold, Tour and Curve 8900

Following up on his awesome SWINE and Real Icon themes, Dave has recently released his latest creation, Dark Room, for the Bold, Tour and Curve 8900. This one is the best by far in my opinion. The obvious factor that makes it really unique is the design and placement of the battery and signal meters. It just looks awesome with the custom icons and head-to-toe design. There is a hidden dock, 3D icons and a very cool focus icon. This theme is sure to take any device to the next level. Dark Room is available for $5.99 in the CrackBerry App Store. While the price may be steep for some, it is money well spent give the time and effort that goes in to a theme like this.

Purchase Dark Room in the CrackBerry App Store for $5.99>>'s feed sponsored by Premium Dark Room Theme for Bold, Tour and Curve 8900

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Tags : blackberry rim
Mercredi 2 Septembre 2009

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