Nokia N97 saves the day, allows major blog post to be made from the soccer field

I was lucky enough to start testing a new early beta release of Documents To Go for the Apple iPhone about a month ago and spent many hours testing and using the software, as well as taking screenshots and assembling my full review for ZDNet. The problem with the Apple iPhone App Store is that [...]

I was lucky enough to start testing a new early beta release of Documents To Go for the Apple iPhone about a month ago and spent many hours testing and using the software, as well as taking screenshots and assembling my full review for ZDNet. The problem with the Apple iPhone App Store is that developers never know when an application will actually appear on the App Store after they submit it and it gets approved by Apple. Thus, for almost two weeks I was checking iTunes several times a day to see if it appeared. And wouldn’t you know, the application went live earlier today right at the end of my daughter’s soccer tourney. They had just won their last game and the whole tourney, but we still had to wait a bit for the awards ceremony and I wanted to get my review up ASAP since I spent so much time with it and I thought it was pretty detailed and informative. Thankfully, I was packing along the Nokia N97 that allowed me to complete a few final steps to get my review posted.

You see, ZDNet uses a custom blogging platform that does not work with any known mobile client such as Wordmobi and the website access is quite secure so it is rare to find a mobile browser that lets me get the job done. I also need to login to a secure site for posting image galleries. I can sort of get it to work on the iPhone and with Opera Mobile on Windows Mobile devices, but there are issues with both of these browsers that limit this access. You see, the iPhone has no copy or paste and thus I cannot create a post offline and then copy it into our blogging client. Opera Mobile has some issues with editing in the blog text boxes so it really isn’t viable either. I had the Palm Pre and Nokia N97 at the soccer field with me and the Pre actually did let me access the ZDNet website, but the capacitive display was not easy to work with in selecting text and getting content into the text boxes. I launched the S60 browser on the N97, published my image gallery from that secure site and then was able to login and select all the HTML text in my draft post. I copied this into the Notes application, made updates with links to my published image gallery, copied it out of Notes and back into my blogging client. I then hit publish and my review went live!

The only update I had to make to my review when I arrived home a bit later was to update the images in my gallery callout. You see I need to get the image properties for the thumbnail in my gallery and I could not get this data from any browser.

Functionality like this, with a keyboard that gets better and better through more usage, helps me with my decision on whether or not to keep the Nokia N97. True, it does not have the super slick UI of the iPhone, but getting things done is not all about the UI.

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Tags : nokia s60
Lundi 15 Juin 2009

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