New To the Official App Catalog: [Update: More Apps!]

The official App Catalog for the Palm Pre has crept its way up to 48 total apps with three new additions today:

UberPass: a password generator that promises to eventually become a password management solution, from Uberu.Lemonade: Your standard lemonade stand game, requires webOS 1.1, from Game Time for AllCoinFlip: two guesses as to what this app does, if you can't pick one guess or the other, this app will probably help.  from InspiringApps, who apparently have a flashlight and level on the way

As always, if the 48 in the official app catalog aren't enough for you, there's plenty in our Homebrew App Gallery, including the just-added classic, Zork I.

Thanks to Todd for the tip!

Update: Gabriel writes in to tell us to take another look, and what do we have here, but more apps! These are the apps that look new to me some may just be updates, though):

DirecTV NFL (oh Hell Yes) - Live NFL Sunday Ticket on your PreTip 'Em Tip calculatorTranslator - congratulations Janni Kovacs!!The Globe and Mail - Toronto's daily for you Bell folks.TMaps DC - Transit maps for the DC AreaExpress Horoscopes from HandmarkZilch Lite - A Dice gamePhoto Dialer - a dialer appWikiHow - "the best of wikihow"Dumb Waiter - Another Tip Calculator, "With a twist."

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Tags : palm pré
Jeudi 3 Septembre 2009

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