LEDReset for BlackBerry Resets Ghost LEDs

Who out there hasn't had this happen? You get a message, maybe you leave it for a bit,maybe you check it right away, but no matter what the case may be even after checking it your LED light stays on. We all love the attraction that tiny little light causes but sometimes it has a habit of not wanting to shut off.

RIMGeeks has just the trick for everyone and it's a free application as well, so while you may not have to use it often, it sure is good to have around. The application of course is called LEDReset and does just as it says. It resets your LED light from blinking. Great application. Great price. 

Download LEDReset for BlackBerry Over the Air >>

CrackBerry.com's feed sponsored by ShopCrackBerry.com. LEDReset for BlackBerry Resets Ghost LEDs

Source : http://crackberry.com/ledreset-blackberry-resets-g...

Tags : blackberry rim
Lundi 8 Juin 2009

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