I'm all about surprises - especially when it comes to BlackBerry. Trying to backup my Tour for the first time this morning, I came across a few errors and started to get frustrated. I couldn't figure out the exact issue, so I decided to remove my current Desktop Manager (4.7) and do a fresh install. Rather than download it again, I pulled out the BlackBerry User Tools CD that came in the box from Verizon in hopes of making a quick install. After running through the menus and starting installation, to my surprise I noticed Desktop Manager 5.0 installing (version to be exact). Very cool considering the software isn't even available on BlackBerry.com yet.
CrackBerry.com's feed sponsored by ShopCrackBerry.com. BlackBerry Desktop Manager 5.0 Included with Tour 9630
Source : http://crackberry.com/blackberry-desktop-manager-5...